The most
feared soldier of the Civil War was the Sharpshooter. Today, we simply call them snipers. Thanks to advances in rifle...bullet...and
optical sight technology during the 1840's and 1850's, the dreaded Sharpshooter's
rifle could reach out and precisely hit targets much farther than ever before
possible. While the breech-loaded New Model 1859 percussion Sharps rifle has been overly credited as the rifle of
choice, many of the top shooters chosen for such duty tended to prefer a wide
range of deadly accurate heavy barreled muzzle-loaded target rifles - many of
which were topped with an original circa 1850's Wm. Malcolm telescopic sight.

Making such a project easier still
is the availability of suitable reproduction percussion ignition rifles, rifled
to give best accuracy with heavy elongated bullets. These modern copies include the favored
Confederate sniper rifle, the hexagonal bore .451 caliber Whitworth rifle that
shot a 580-grain hexagonal sided English built
"Volunteer" target rifles...and reproductions of several American
rifles built to tap the accuracy and knockdown power of another American shooting innovation - the
conical bullet. There's even a modern
remake of the famed percussion Sharps rifle, with double set triggers, used by
the renowned Northern sniper unit known as the Berdan Sharpshooters.

For more information on the long
1850's style Hi-Lux Optics Wm. Malcolm scope and mounts, call 310 257-8142, drop
the company an e-mail at , or visit the website at .
Modern reproduction Civil War era bullet-shooting rifles shown left to right - Pedersoli fast-twist bore Missouri River Hawken...Dixie Gun Works hexagonal bore Whitworth... Chiappa Firearms New Model 1859 percussion Berdan Sharps.